Everyone needs a sex fairy godmother. That person who you can talk to about sex, drugs, rock n roll and how to find the perfect shade of red lipstick. She’s loved, she’s lived, and she knows what she’s talking about. She may not always be popular with parents but she’s always there for her girls. She’s got your welfare in mind and gives darn smart advice.
With practical advice and guidance on topics as diverse as BDSM, anal sex, consent, body confidence, making home porn and being a digitally savvy girl, For Foxes’ Sake is the book that every girl – and her parents – should read.
Warm, funny, honest and accurate, this book cracks open the fabulous weirdness of sex. We know what girls are facing today, so let’s rock savvy self-confidence, digital smarts and self-respect.

For Foxes’ Sake is a book about love, sex and relationships that balances facts & data with real-life advice that you won’t find in any text book. I’ve been brutally honest and gone into areas, like sex injuries and what happens when you get jizz in your contact lenses, because love and sex is awesome, messy and fabulous and a little advice can go a long way.
This book is different to most sex ed resources because it tackles topics like social media, sexting, peer pressure, porn and and all the other sex and relationship stuff that we’re still taking about way out of our teenage years. I wrote For Foxes’ Sake from the heart and I hope you love it as much as I loved writing it.
Row Murray
About the author
Row Murray is a native of Melbourne, Australia and is a copywriter and digital creative with over 20 years experience.
She is a writer and researcher who has worked with subject matter experts, including a GP and Pharmacist, peak bodies, Federal and State Government departments, and undertaken interviews and focus groups, to develop For Foxes’ Sake.
Professionally, Row has worked at some of Australia’s best PR and ad agencies like GREY, Weber Shandwick, Paper Stone Scissors & The Creative Works and in digital marketing at some of Australia’s biggest financial services and retail brands (someone get the girl a Slurpee!). She’s a Swinburne marketing graduate, has undertaken post-graduate studies in UX Design, finance and economics and held the Presidency of the Melbourne Junior Chamber of Commerce in 2002.
Row sits on the board of Vic ICT for Women, working to encourage young women to create careers in the IT and digital spaces.
Row is a music geek, a passionate writer and loves zipping about on her motorbike. For Foxes’ Sake is her first book.